Thanks for visiting my site today,and I hope you find the information useful.My name is Tomas and like you,I had been searching for legitimate ways of making money on the internet.It seems that every site I found always had bad reviews,or was discovered to be a scam.I actually spent time and money on a couple of other programs,and all I did was end up wasting my time and money.
I didn’t give up on my search,I just decided to keep searching,but to focus on finding a program that had the best reviews,and rather than just thinking of making money on the internet,I made a point of thinking in terms of LEARNING to make money on the internet.That change in mindset was critical in finding and in finally joining the Wealthy Affiliate program.
I started Back-UpCash as a way to help and encourage others who want to LEARN the skills needed to make money on-line.When I started the site I was working a full time job and I was just looking for a way to make extra money,or as I call it,back up cash.